Get Netflix in Korea

So basically my blog is just an outlet for people to download spotflux…but spotflux has its limitations. You can use spotify and hulu with spotflux, but netflix still didn’t work for me at least. So I will do you one better! Netflix is notoriously unavailable in Korea and a few days ago my friend alerted me to a new browser plugin that just came out that allows you to access it. It also has some problems (more on that in a second), but it does work with Netflix. It’s called Hola Unblocker (click on the link). It’s a browser plugin so you don’t have to install anything into your computer. Now the problems. I have a mac and use Firefox primarily. It does not work with Firefox so far as I can tell. I installed silverlight (the program you need to watch netflix movies) but it wasn’t being recognized and kept telling me to download it even though I had it. So I went and downloaded Google Chrome and installed the plugin there and it worked. I’ve never had internet in my apartment in over 3 years, but I think I just got inspired to get it. Anyone know how to get the internet in Korea?